- Ranked in the Top 200 National Universities by U.S. News & World Report - experience shopping and sight-seeing in major American cities like Columbus and Cleveland - Four-year graduation guarantee beginning fall 2012
National Mix
ACCESS has hosted students from Asia (majority from Japan, Korea and Taiwan), the Middle East, Latin America and Europe.
Conditional Admission
Only students who have completed ESL courses will be granted conditional admissions. For these students, TOEFL requirements are waivered. They will also be given the permission to attend one university class as they are enrolled in two or three advanced level English class via ACCESS.
Center for English StudiesAbout the
The Ashland Center for English Studies (ACCESS) equips international professionals, undergraduates and graduate students with the knowledge, skills and experiences of English needed to fully participate in American academic life. In ACCESS you will master English and be a part of American campus life at Ashland University. You will make friends from the USA and other countries. You will learn how to speak, write and think in English. You will gain entrance to English-speaking communities around the globe. ACCESS has helped students master English, prepare for university study, and learn about American culture firsthand continuously since 1974. All instructors in the program are experienced ESL teachers with masters degrees. ACCESS is a member of prestigious UCIEP (University and College Intensive English Programs), a group of about 70 ESL programs at universities that all maintain high program standards, and AAIEP. ACCESS is a small, academically rigorous program with individual attention for each student. Your English classes include Discovery classes special topics classes that introduce you to important aspects of American culture and give you chances to practice English with Americans. ACCESS offers weekly field trips and events. These include trips to Ohio cities to see professional sports, visit museums, attend cultural events, and shop. Other activities include picnics, parties, canoeing, horseback riding, skating, and skiing. You will have classes 20 hours a week with additional work in the language laboratory and com-puter labs. Classes meet with Americans in university classes each term. ACCESS is part of Ashland University. You will be part of the student body and able to use all the facilities of the university. At the advanced level of ACCESS, you will be encouraged and helped to attend some university classes. The university is part of the small city of Ashland where people are friendly and welcoming to international students. A sign into town reads, Ashland: World Headquarters of NICE People. You will be introduced to an Ashland area family who will invite you to join occasional family events and meals at their home. Ashland is about an hour's drive from Ohio's largest cities Cleveland and Columbus. You will be within a day's drive of many of the great cities of the U.S.A. including Boston, New York, Washington DC, and Chicago. Niagara Falls is also nearby.
Ashland UniversityAbout the
Founded in 1878, Ashland University is a mid-sized private institution with 2,200 undergraduate students and a total enrollment of nearly 6,000, and this includes graduate programs as well as off-campus centers in Cleveland, Columbus, Elyria, Mansfield, Massillon, Medina, Westlake, Southwest Ohio/Cincinnati and Detroit, Mich. Situated on a beautiful 135-acre campus, Ashland University affords close proximity to the big city while maintaining an intimate campus experience in a small-town feel.
When you gain access, you gain entrance. The Ashland Center for English Studies (ACCESS) equips international professionals, undergraduates and graduate students with the knowledge, skills and experiences of English needed to fully participate in American academic life.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
You will learn how to speak, read, write and think in English You will have experienced English professionals helping you achieve your goals You will have conditional admission to Ashland University You will experience increasing success in English on your way to getting a degree You will be a part of Ashland University’s campus life that includes attending sporting events, the Recreation Center, joining clubs and living with American students year round You will experience shopping and sight-seeing in major American cities like Columbus and Cleveland You will be on one of the safest campuses in America You will eat the best food on any campus in America
Curriculum :
The Enlgish Language Classroom Program opens six terms of Intensive English classes every year, making each term last for seven weeks. The course provides 20 hours of classroom instructions and approximately half of the classroom experiences will involve using the language laboratory. Upon their arrival, students will be given a Placement test to get an accurate examination on their English proficiency. Out of the four levels, Level 1 (Beginner) focuses on fundamentals of English such as grammar and conversation skills. Levels 2 and 3 (Intermediate) regard reading and writing comprehension skills as basics and work to develop speaking and listening skills. Level 4 (Advanced) concentrate on preparing students to make a smooth transition to American universities. Elective courses like TOEFL preparation and English Conversation Skills may be offered to students in areas they need supplementation. Other than classroom lessons, students will take part in Discovery Class, working to be immersed in American culture and its people.
When you gain access, you gain entrance. The Ashland Center for English Studies (ACCESS) equips international professionals, undergraduates and graduate students with the knowledge, skills and experiences of English needed to fully participate in American academic life.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
You will learn how to speak, read, write and think in English You will have experienced English professionals helping you achieve your goals You will have conditional admission to Ashland University You will experience increasing success in English on your way to getting a degree You will be a part of Ashland University’s campus life that includes attending sporting events, the Recreation Center, joining clubs and living with American students year round You will experience shopping and sight-seeing in major American cities like Columbus and Cleveland You will be on one of the safest campuses in America You will eat the best food on any campus in America
Curriculum :
The Enlgish Language Classroom Program opens six terms of Intensive English classes every year, making each term last for seven weeks. The course provides 20 hours of classroom instructions and approximately half of the classroom experiences will involve using the language laboratory. Upon their arrival, students will be given a Placement test to get an accurate examination on their English proficiency. Out of the four levels, Level 1 (Beginner) focuses on fundamentals of English such as grammar and conversation skills. Levels 2 and 3 (Intermediate) regard reading and writing comprehension skills as basics and work to develop speaking and listening skills. Level 4 (Advanced) concentrate on preparing students to make a smooth transition to American universities. Elective courses like TOEFL preparation and English Conversation Skills may be offered to students in areas they need supplementation. Other than classroom lessons, students will take part in Discovery Class, working to be immersed in American culture and its people.
Course Information
Class size
16 Students
7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 Weeks
Course Level
6 level
I-20 Issued Upon Request
Minimum age
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Course Schedule
(2025Year schedule), has been finished. (2026Year schedule), has been updating
(2025Year schedule), has been finished. (2026Year schedule), has been updating
School's Admin fee
12months Week
(USD)$ 5,967 / Week
Housing Placement
Accommodation Fee
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-Campus residence
(USD)$ 5172
Airport Pickup
Other Charges
Remarks / Other Information
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
ACCESS에 참여 함으로서, 학생은 대학 내에 위치한 7개의 기숙사에 살 수 있습니다. 학교내에 거주하는 학생들은 수업공간과 가까이 살게 되며 학교 활동을 통해 미국 및 국제적 학생들과 어울릴 수 있습니다. 학생들은 숙소를 제한된 수의 기숙사 때문에 빨리 정할 것을 추천합니다. 학교는 또한 학교 밖의 사설 아파트를 제공하지만 학생 자신이 살 곳을 정하는 것은 개인적인 의무입니다.
Ashland University Center English Studies (ACCESS Program)는 Ohio의 가장 큰 도시로부터 자동차로 한시간 여의 거리에 위치한 Ashland의 아름답고 안전한 언덕에 위치해 있습니다. Ashland의 중간에 위치한 지리적 특성은 Ohio의 가장 큰 도시인 Cleveland와 Columbus로의 인접성이 매우 좋습니다. 야구 시즌 중에는 Ashland 주민들이 좋아하는 Cleveland Indians 팀을 함께 응원할 수도 있습니다. 겨울 시즌에는 가까이에 위치한 슬로프는 좋은 스키와 스노우보드를 탈 수 있는 환경을 제공합니다. ACCESS에서 공부하는 학생들은 하루 거리에 위치한 Boston, New York City, Washington D.C, Chicago 그리고 Philadelphia에 갈 수도 있습니다. 또한 하루 거리의 Canada, 나이아가라 폭포, the Smoky Mountains 그리고 the 대서양을 둘러 볼 수 있습니다.
교실 수 : 5, 도서관, PC, 인터넷, 카페테리아, 식당, 회의 센터, 스포츠 센터/체육관, 수영장, 대학 국제 동아리
While attending ACCESS, students can experience living on-campus in one of the seven University dormitories. Students living on-campus will be close to classes, campus activities, and other students – both American and international. Students are advised to arrange housing as early as possible due to the limited amount of space available. The School may provide students with information about private off-campus apartments however it is the students’ responsibility to make their individual arrangements. For more information, use the Contact Address to ask the school directly.
Surrounding Area
Ashland University Center for English Studies (ACCESS Program) is located on the hill in beautiful and safe Ashland, Ohio about an hour's drive from Ohio's largest cities. Ashland's central location offers easy access to the surrounding scenic areas and is within an hour's drive from Ohio's largest cities, Cleveland and Columbus. Join Ashland's residents during the major league baseball season and cheer on their favorite team, the Cleveland Indians. The nearby Snow Trails offers great skiing and snowboarding opportunities during the winter season. Students studying at ACCESS live within a day’s drive of the United States' great cities including Boston, New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago and Philadelphia. Students can also take a day's drive and visit Canada, Niagara Falls, the Smoky Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean.
Number of classrooms : 5, Library, PC , Internet , Cafeteria, Restaurant, Conference Centre, Sport Centre/Gym, Swimming Pool, University Int'l Club
I studied
for a year in Ashland University (ACCESS). The reason I chose to study abroad
is because I was fairly stressed about my English level and then I thought
studying abroad and meeting English natives would make me overcome my stress. A
year of studying in ACCESS was enough for me. The course consists of 4 levels
and students are from all over the world. The levels are from beginner class to
advanced class. In beginner class, it starts off with Basic English grammar and
speaking. As students move up to next level, the class deals with more
sophisticated English or preparation of TOEFL. The reason I recommend ACCESS is
that not only the solid structure and aim in the class, but also other
activities, such as travelling, after school activities and sight-seeing. Ohio
is not very fancy compare to other cosmopolitan cities, but it makes a suitable
residence. In winter, I can go skiing, which I love. Also I was able to feel
what it likes to be in American home. I lived in dormitory and home-stay. I recommend
home-stay. Not only you meet a good family but also experience American culture
and home. Thus, you get to understand more of them. I do like busy cities like
New York but Ohio was brilliant too.
저는 1년동안 Ashland University (ACCESS)에서 공부하고 왔어요. 영어에 대한 스트레스가 너무 크고 아무리 공부해도 늘지 않는 것 같아서 어학연수를 1년 다녀오기로 결정했어요. ACCESS에서 저의 1년은 굉장히 길었어요. 1년 집중 영어프로그램은 4단계 레벨로 구성되어있고, 영어에 익숙하지 않은 외국인 학생들이 주로 듣게되요. 초급 레벨부터 상급레벨까지 꾸준하게 배우게 되는데 초급레벨에서는 기본적인 영어 문법이나 대화 기술 등을 배우고 레벨이 올라갈수록 조금더 심도 있는 영어, 대학이나 대학원에서 쓰이는 영어나 토플 같은 자격증을 대비하는 수업도 듣게되요. 제가 ACCESS에서 가장 좋았던 점은 탄탄한 영어수업도 좋지만 수업외의 활동이 정말 재밌었어요. 수업이 끝나면 동아리활동을 하고, 외국인 친구들과 놀러다니고, 관광도하면서 굉장히 많이 친해졌어요. 오하이오는 다른 도시들에 비해서 화려하지는 않지만 굉장히 살기좋고 예쁜 곳이에요. 겨울에는 스키나 스노우보드를 타기도하고, 굉장히 크고 넓은 도시에요. 정말 미국 사람들의 생활을 제대로 느낄 수 있었던 것같아요. 저는 홈스테이도 해보고 기숙사에서도 지내봤는데 홈스테이가 정말 좋았어요. 좋은 가족들을 만나서이기도 하지만 미국인들의 생활습관이나 사고방식을 피부로 느껴보면서 외국인을 이해하는 마음을 갖게 된 것 같아요. 뉴욕처럼 바쁘고 사람많은 대도시도 좋지만 저는 오하이오 어학연수 강추해요.
OECKO is established in 1981. It is On and Offline study abroad counseling center. We have more than 20,000 students who went abroad to study through OECKO, and these students are working in variety of fields. We made partnerships with all excellent universities in order to raise global students. Students can self apply to schools in USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Spain, France and etc by him or herself without any cost. However, high schools’, or universities’ required essay or personal statements help from us is charged. Language study entrance admissions can be obtained in 3~14 days.
Copyright ⓒ1981 - 2021 SELF-APPLY. All Rights Reserved.
Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea (OECKO)
104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228