- French University Atmosphere – Immerse Yourself - Fully qualified and experienced teachers - Much more than grammar - Culture and civilisation from the start - Studying French in the private university in the heart of Paris - A highly-respected learning center
ILCF( Institut Catholique de Paris)About the
Founded in 1948, the ILCF welcomes 3000 international students every year. Programmes and courses are offered to people from 18 years old from all over the world wishing to learn French and become acquaintedwith French culture and civilization in a university atmosphere.The ILCF is a Department of the Catholic University of Paris (ICP), a place of intellectual and research tradition in the historical heart of Paris, near the students’ Latin Quarter, the existentialists’ Saint-Germain-des-Prés (Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir) and the painters’ Montparnasse (Picasso, Modigliani, Chagall). The ILCF staff of 50 highly-qualified French teachers include several published textbook authors. In addition to your teacher, our academic advisor is there to help you create the right program for you. The Catholic University of Paris is an academic campus housing faculties and higher education establishments of professional training in 3 areas: Literature, Languages and Social Sciences; Science and Engineering; Theology and Religious Sciences.
Catholic University of Paris - ILCFAbout the
Catholic University of Paris is a private, multidisciplinary university steps away from Paris’ Latin Quarter, the Luxembourg Gardens, and St. Germain des Près. Of our 15,000 students, 4,500 are international. Catholic University of Paris comprises 21 organisations: 6 faculties, 4 specialised institutes, 11 graduate schools, and 1 doctoral school with 20 research centres along with the Catholic University of Paris Seminary, which prepares its seminarians for ordination and priesthood. Learn French in Paris: The Catholic University of Paris' Institute of French Language and Culture (known as ILCF) provides a unique collegiate backdrop for French language learners. At the ILCF, both university students and independent adults can choose courses ranging from basic grammar to specialised business French, culture, and civilization. Certain culture courses are even offered in English. The Catholic University of Paris is a not-for-profit organisation according to the law of 1901, of recognised common public interest. Under the joint authority of the Holy See (Congregation for Catholic Education) and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, it issues state diplomas (degree, masters and PhD), canonical diplomas and its own diplomas
or developing French skills in order to communicate in written or spoken
French in
every-day or professional-life situations.
Goal of this course : Oral and written comprehension, oral and written
expression, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, notions of culture and
French Program offers language instruction with an approach that integrates four
skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The specific courses under
these programs also include the incorporation of pronunciation, vocabulary
building and conversation activities using grammar in context. Students also get
one hour of speaking and pronunciation practice in addition to their regular
French Program are scheduled in the morning or the afternoon with 21 lessons per
week General Language, 9 to 12
am. Monday to Friday and workshops from 2 to 5 pm.
(afternoons to be confirmed). The course
focus on helping you communicate effectively and confidently in everyday. The
wide-ranging syllabus will improve your listening, reading, writing, and
speaking skills.
course is offered year-round with Sep, Feb semester base :1 semester - 21h/week •15 hours of General French Language
•2 workshops: written and oral (3hours
each). The program is the most comprehensive and popular course at
school and enables each student’s all round skills to develop in the morning,
with a particular focus on areas to improve or special interests in the
Program is offered at 6 levels of instruction; Beginner is the most elementary
level while Level Advanced is the most advanced. Upon their arrival are required
to take a placement test to help determine the level best-suited to their
ability. At the end of the session, students are evaluated for advancement to
the next level based upon their academic improvement.
or developing French skills in order to communicate in written or spoken
French in
every-day or professional-life situations.
Goal of this course : Oral and written comprehension, oral and written
expression, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, notions of culture and
French Program offers language instruction with an approach that integrates four
skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The specific courses under
these programs also include the incorporation of pronunciation, vocabulary
building and conversation activities using grammar in context. Students also get
one hour of speaking and pronunciation practice in addition to their regular
French Program are scheduled in the morning or the afternoon with 21 lessons per
week General Language, 9 to 12
am. Monday to Friday and workshops from 2 to 5 pm.
(afternoons to be confirmed). The course
focus on helping you communicate effectively and confidently in everyday. The
wide-ranging syllabus will improve your listening, reading, writing, and
speaking skills.
course is offered year-round with Sep, Feb semester base :1 semester - 21h/week •15 hours of General French Language
•2 workshops: written and oral (3hours
each). The program is the most comprehensive and popular course at
school and enables each student’s all round skills to develop in the morning,
with a particular focus on areas to improve or special interests in the
Program is offered at 6 levels of instruction; Beginner is the most elementary
level while Level Advanced is the most advanced. Upon their arrival are required
to take a placement test to help determine the level best-suited to their
ability. At the end of the session, students are evaluated for advancement to
the next level based upon their academic improvement.
Course Information
Class size
18 Students
15 Weeks
Course Level
6 levels
Acceptance letter issue
Minimum age
Course Schedule
(2025Year schedule), has been finished. (2026Year schedule), has been updating
Focus of Study : learning or developing your skills in order to communicate in written or spoken French in every-day or professional-life situations.
Benefit, Goal of this course : Oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, notions of culture and civilization.
Curriculum : General French Program offers language instruction with an approach that integrates four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The specific courses under these programs also include the incorporation of pronunciation, vocabulary building and conversation activities using grammar in context. Students also get one hour of speaking and pronunciation practice in addition to their regular class. General French Program are scheduled in the morning or the afternoon with 21 lessons per week General Language, 9 to 12 am. Monday to Friday and workshops from 2 to 5 pm. (afternoons to beconfirmed). The course focus on helping you communicate effectively and confidently in everyday. The wide-ranging syllabus will improve your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. The course is offered year-round withJanuary & February: 3 weeks - 24h/week (total: 72h) , May & June: 4 weeks - 21h/week (total: 84h) • 15 hours of General French Language • 2 workshops: written and oral (3hours each). The program is the most comprehensive and popular course at school and enables each student’s all round skills to develop in the morning, with a particular focus on areas to improve or special interests in the afternoon.
The Program is offered at 6 levels of instruction; Beginner is the most elementary level while Level Advanced is the most advanced. Upon their arrival are required to take a placement test to help determine the level best-suited to their ability. At the end of the session, students are evaluated for advancement to the next level based upon their academic improvement.
Focus of Study : learning or developing your skills in order to communicate in written or spoken French in every-day or professional-life situations.
Benefit, Goal of this course : Oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, notions of culture and civilization.
Curriculum : General French Program offers language instruction with an approach that integrates four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The specific courses under these programs also include the incorporation of pronunciation, vocabulary building and conversation activities using grammar in context. Students also get one hour of speaking and pronunciation practice in addition to their regular class. General French Program are scheduled in the morning or the afternoon with 21 lessons per week General Language, 9 to 12 am. Monday to Friday and workshops from 2 to 5 pm. (afternoons to beconfirmed). The course focus on helping you communicate effectively and confidently in everyday. The wide-ranging syllabus will improve your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. The course is offered year-round withJanuary & February: 3 weeks - 24h/week (total: 72h) , May & June: 4 weeks - 21h/week (total: 84h) • 15 hours of General French Language • 2 workshops: written and oral (3hours each). The program is the most comprehensive and popular course at school and enables each student’s all round skills to develop in the morning, with a particular focus on areas to improve or special interests in the afternoon.
The Program is offered at 6 levels of instruction; Beginner is the most elementary level while Level Advanced is the most advanced. Upon their arrival are required to take a placement test to help determine the level best-suited to their ability. At the end of the session, students are evaluated for advancement to the next level based upon their academic improvement.
Course Information
Class size
18 Students
3, 4 Weeks
Course Level
6 level
Minimum age
Course Schedule
(2025Year schedule), has been finished. (2026Year schedule), has been updating
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
Home StayAccommodation in a host family. All families are located in the center of Paris (no more than 20 min from ILCF).
Surrounding Area
The ILCF is in a very famous historic part of Paris, between Montparnasse and Saint Germain des Près and near the Jardin du Luxembourg.
Free Internet access
Free access to computer labs, internet and wi-fi.
Academic Library
The Fels Library is a quiet and state-of-the-art place to study.
on the campus and other university restaurants closeby
Religious students visit priests and sisters. Specific events are organized for them upon their arrival. There are lots of club activities. Some of them are Club de voile and Joutes oratoires. Concerts and events are planned by student associations and offices. There are also conferences and workshops in order for the students to get the knowledge of their field.
Getting to school from the airport
Airport Transfer The ILCF offers an airport transfer service(one way). Students are met at the airport and brought to their accommodation. Fee: 124 €to be paid when pre-registering. the fee is non-refundable or deductible. From Orly -Orlybus-Orlwal-Air France
From Roissy-Charles de Gaulle -RER line B -Roissybus -Air France
From train stations -Gare d'Austerlitz, Gare de Lyon
I took an Intensive French course in
Catholic University of Paris in France. There are many language institutes in
Paris, so in the beginning I was going to study in one of them, but Catholic
University of Paris also had a language course, so I thought it would be better
to take a course in a prestigious university. The school has home-stay
arrangement system, so you don’t have to worry about accommodation so much. French
are really friendly and kind, so my host family was really good. In school, the
course I took dealt with communicative French, and daily French, so I improved
on my speaking a lot. Students get to study listening, speaking, reading and
writing at the same time, and teachers teach students one-to-one about grammar
or pronunciation. The course has 3 hours of class in the morning and afternoon,
so total 6 hours a day. The student council holds many different socials, and
events for students. Additionally, it doesn’t matter whether you are catholic,
but if you are, you get to speak to priests there. After class, students get to
hang around in the Paris city, so they have enough time to speak in French with
the natives. Therefore, speaking and listening come naturally. Now I am
confident with my French. There are other recommended places like Lyon, but I
think Paris is the best.
저는 프랑스 파리에 있는 카톨릭대학교에서 운영하는 집중 프랑스어프로그램을 듣고 온 학생입니다. 파리에는 어학연수 기관이 많이 있는데 처음에는 일반 어학원에서 공부하려고 하다가 프랑스 카톨릭대학교에서도 어학연수 프로그램을 운영한다고 하길래 이왕이면 프랑스에서도 알아주는 대학에서 공부하고 오는게 좋을 것 같아서 카톨릭대학교로 갔습니다. 학교에서 홈스테이를 연결시켜주기 때문에 숙박문제는 걱정 안하셔도되요. 프랑스인들은 워낙 친절해서 홈스테이 가정도 정말 좋았어요. 제가 들은 집중 프랑스어 프로그램은 생활 프랑스어, 커뮤니케이션 프랑스어를 위한 실생활에서 쓰이는 프랑스어를 향상할 수 있는 프로그램이에요. 듣기,말하기,읽기,쓰기 네가지 기능을 전반적으로 배우게되고, 선생님들이 개인적으로 발음이나 문법사용에 대한 부분도 꼼꼼하게 지도해주십니다. 수업은 오전3시간 오후3시간 하루에 총 6시간 수업을 듣게되고, 학생회에서 다양한 이벤트나 교류회를 마련해주셨어요. 그리고 카톨릭교가 아니어도 상관없지만 카톨릭을 믿는 학생들은 현지에 계신 성직자 분들이랑 자주 얘기하는 시간을 갖더라구요. 프랑스어는 정말 많이 늘었어요. 수업시간 외에는 파리를 돌아다니기 떄문에 계속 프랑스어를 쓰게되고 , 현지에서 만난 친구들과도 프랑스어로 대화하는 시간이 많기 때문에 자연스럽게 프랑스어가 몸에 밴것 같아요. 리옹같은 다른 지역도많지만 아무래도 프랑스는 파리인것 같아요.
OECKO is established in 1981. It is On and Offline study abroad counseling center. We have more than 20,000 students who went abroad to study through OECKO, and these students are working in variety of fields. We made partnerships with all excellent universities in order to raise global students. Students can self apply to schools in USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Spain, France and etc by him or herself without any cost. However, high schools’, or universities’ required essay or personal statements help from us is charged. Language study entrance admissions can be obtained in 3~14 days.
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104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228