- Fun and interesting social activities - Highly effective classes - A meeting place for top students from around the world - Small class size with lots of individual attention - Outstanding student services
Top Native Language by Center
University of Toronto boasts an international student body. There are approximately over 8,000 international people from all around the world.
School of Continuing StudiesAbout the
The University of Toronto is Canada's leading teaching and research university, and its unique place is attributed to its rich and remarkable history. The energy, creativity and knowledge of the University of Toronto is endless. It was established from a desire for new opportunities to apply our research and gain new insights to the world. The University of Toronto is committed to being an internationally significant research university, with undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.
University of Toronto About the
University of Toronto was founded in 1827. There are three campuses; St. Geroge, Mississauga, and Scarborough. Many English Language Program students have continued their studies at the University of Toronto. “Grade B” or above in Academic English Level 60 satisfies the language-facility requirement for admission to undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Toronto.
Academic English is designed for English language learners with intermediate to advanced proficiency in English. Learners will take a placement test to determine their level of proficiency.
Improve your prospects for admission to the University of Toronto or other English-language universities or colleges - and for success once you are enrolled. This program will provide you with the opportunity to meet the language facility requirement and help you build the confidence you need to excel in an academic environment. In the program, you will strengthen your skills in academic reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
A grade of B or higher at Level 60 in Academic English satisfies the language facility requirement for admission to undergraduate and most graduate programs at the University of Toronto.
- Produce complex and well-developed pieces of writing
- Build your academic speaking, listening, and reading skills
- Interact in an academic setting with confidence
- Develop communication skills necessary for academic success
- Demonstrate knowledge of university culture
Classroom Hour :
Your Academic English classes will be held Monday to Friday either in the afternoon from 12:45 pm-4:45 pm or in the morning from 8:30 am–12:30 pm.
Please note there are no classes on Monday, February 19, 2024 for the Family Day holiday.
Academic English Level 60 for Conditional Acceptance :
Academic English Level 60 Conditional Acceptance is for learners who have received a conditional offer of admission to an undergraduate or graduate studies (Masters or PhD) program at the University of Toronto. Successful completion of the program with a grade of B or higher satisfies the language facility requirement of the University of Toronto as well as some other universities and colleges. If you have received an offer from another institution, please ensure that your program accepts our Academic English Level 60.
This program will provide you with the opportunity to develop your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills by taking part in academic tasks typical of a university setting.
This course is designed for English language learners with advanced proficiency in English. An overall IELTS score of 6 with a minimum of 6 in Writing (or TOEFL of 78 with a minimum of 20 in Writing) is required. To enrol in the program, please contact academic.elp@utoronto.ca. Online registration is not available. Please note that this program is 8 weeks long and held from July 4 to August 25, 2023.
All fees are in Canadian dollars.
While studying with us, you will need to bring a laptop computer to class so you can access the class materials
The total fee includes tuition, health insurance, and services fee, class materials, workshops, and several events.
Academic English is designed for English language learners with intermediate to advanced proficiency in English. Learners will take a placement test to determine their level of proficiency.
Improve your prospects for admission to the University of Toronto or other English-language universities or colleges - and for success once you are enrolled. This program will provide you with the opportunity to meet the language facility requirement and help you build the confidence you need to excel in an academic environment. In the program, you will strengthen your skills in academic reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
A grade of B or higher at Level 60 in Academic English satisfies the language facility requirement for admission to undergraduate and most graduate programs at the University of Toronto.
- Produce complex and well-developed pieces of writing
- Build your academic speaking, listening, and reading skills
- Interact in an academic setting with confidence
- Develop communication skills necessary for academic success
- Demonstrate knowledge of university culture
Classroom Hour :
Your Academic English classes will be held Monday to Friday either in the afternoon from 12:45 pm-4:45 pm or in the morning from 8:30 am–12:30 pm.
Please note there are no classes on Monday, February 19, 2024 for the Family Day holiday.
Academic English Level 60 for Conditional Acceptance :
Academic English Level 60 Conditional Acceptance is for learners who have received a conditional offer of admission to an undergraduate or graduate studies (Masters or PhD) program at the University of Toronto. Successful completion of the program with a grade of B or higher satisfies the language facility requirement of the University of Toronto as well as some other universities and colleges. If you have received an offer from another institution, please ensure that your program accepts our Academic English Level 60.
This program will provide you with the opportunity to develop your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills by taking part in academic tasks typical of a university setting.
This course is designed for English language learners with advanced proficiency in English. An overall IELTS score of 6 with a minimum of 6 in Writing (or TOEFL of 78 with a minimum of 20 in Writing) is required. To enrol in the program, please contact academic.elp@utoronto.ca. Online registration is not available. Please note that this program is 8 weeks long and held from July 4 to August 25, 2023.
All fees are in Canadian dollars.
While studying with us, you will need to bring a laptop computer to class so you can access the class materials
The total fee includes tuition, health insurance, and services fee, class materials, workshops, and several events.
Course Information
Class size
15 Students
12 Weeks
Course Level
6 level
Acceptance letter issue
Minimum age
Course Schedule
(2025Year schedule), has been finished. (2026Year schedule), has been updating
This course is designed for English language learners with beginner to advanced proficiency in English.
Develop your language skills and build your confidence in using English. This program will help you communicate in English more effectively, with an emphasis on building your speaking and listening skills. You will participate in tasks that give you a chance to express yourself and communicate with others in a variety of contexts.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
Develop your English skills for effective communication
Speak with greater fluency, accuracy, and confidence
Expand your vocabulary through vocabulary-development strategies
Discover Canadian culture in and out of the classroom
Use your speaking and listening skills as you interact with learners from around the world
Classroom Hour :
Total 20 sessions
Monday ~ Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
*All fees are in Canadian dollars.
*The total fee includes tuition, mandatory health insurance, and services fee, class materials, workshops, and several events.
*You will need to bring a laptop computer to class so you can access the class materials
This course is designed for English language learners with beginner to advanced proficiency in English.
Develop your language skills and build your confidence in using English. This program will help you communicate in English more effectively, with an emphasis on building your speaking and listening skills. You will participate in tasks that give you a chance to express yourself and communicate with others in a variety of contexts.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
Develop your English skills for effective communication
Speak with greater fluency, accuracy, and confidence
Expand your vocabulary through vocabulary-development strategies
Discover Canadian culture in and out of the classroom
Use your speaking and listening skills as you interact with learners from around the world
Classroom Hour :
Total 20 sessions
Monday ~ Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
*All fees are in Canadian dollars.
*The total fee includes tuition, mandatory health insurance, and services fee, class materials, workshops, and several events.
*You will need to bring a laptop computer to class so you can access the class materials
Course Information
Class size
15 Students
4 Weeks
Course Level
6 level
Acceptance letter issue
Minimum age
Course Schedule
(2025Year schedule), has been finished. (2026Year schedule), has been updating
This course is designed for English language learners with intermediate to advanced proficiency in English.
Learn the language and skills you need to use English effectively in a professional setting anywhere in the world. This program will provide you with the opportunity to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills by taking part in tasks and situations relevant to the international business environment. You will develop competence and confidence in interacting professionally with others in English.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
Develop skills and strategies to communicate through speaking and writing in a professional context
Increase proficiency in reading and listening to texts related to business topics
Use your listening and speaking skills to interact with others from different language backgrounds
Improve your confidence when presenting to groups of people
Demonstrate an awareness of language appropriate to the professional environment
Classroom Hour :
Total 20 sessions
Monday ~ Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
*All fees are in Canadian dollars.
*The total fee includes tuition, mandatory health insurance, and services fee, class materials, workshops, and several events.
*You will need to bring a laptop computer to class so you can access the class materials
This course is designed for English language learners with intermediate to advanced proficiency in English.
Learn the language and skills you need to use English effectively in a professional setting anywhere in the world. This program will provide you with the opportunity to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills by taking part in tasks and situations relevant to the international business environment. You will develop competence and confidence in interacting professionally with others in English.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
Develop skills and strategies to communicate through speaking and writing in a professional context
Increase proficiency in reading and listening to texts related to business topics
Use your listening and speaking skills to interact with others from different language backgrounds
Improve your confidence when presenting to groups of people
Demonstrate an awareness of language appropriate to the professional environment
Classroom Hour :
Total 20 sessions
Monday ~ Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
*All fees are in Canadian dollars.
*The total fee includes tuition, mandatory health insurance, and services fee, class materials, workshops, and several events.
*You will need to bring a laptop computer to class so you can access the class materials
Course Information
Class size
15 Students
4 Weeks
Course Level
Acceptance letter issue
Minimum age
Course Schedule
(2025Year schedule), has been finished. (2026Year schedule), has been updating
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
-Homestay (three-week minimum stay period) Many of our students choose homestay because they enjoy the experience of living with a Canadian family. We work with Student Homestay Services(SHS), a company that will help you find a good Canadian family to live with. Students will pay SHS a placement fee for this service, in addition to the weekly homestay fee.The English Language Program does not arrange homestay.
-University Residence (early May to late August only) The University of Toronto provides a wide range of on-campus housing options during the summer(early May to late August only), including traditional dormitories and modern apartments. For price and feature comparisons, please visit each College's website or check the Summer Housing Brochure.
a)Woodsworth college Residence -situated across the street from the English Language Program -private rooms -fully furnished apartment-style suites -one week of the minimum stay -discounted rates for students who registered for the full summer term
b)Victoria University Residence -situated in the center of the University's St. George campus -available in short-term and long-term stay -daily rates
c)Graduate House Residence -A short walk from the English Language Program -apartment-style suites -six week for the minimum stay -discounted rate for the full summer term
d)Innis College Residence -located five minutes south of the English Language Program -fully furnished suite -four or five private bedrooms along with a shared kitchen, living room and 1.5 to 2 bathrooms -thirty days for the minimum stay
e)Trinity College Residence -traditional university residence featuring dormitory-style accommodation -different floors for women and men -daily rates
-Off Campus Housing Some students prefer to rent an apartment with friends or classmates. If you would like to live independently in an apartment, we recommend you search the University of Toronto Student Housing Service database.
Surrounding Area
Toronto is a safe, friendly multi-cultural environment which means the perfect place to study. Moreover, Toronto is the largest urban hub in Canada, yet considered safer, cleaner, and more affordable than most comparable American and British cities. In fact, Toronto is ranked as the safest large metropolitan area in North America with one of the highest standards of living in the world.
More than 50 University of Toronto libraries, free lectures and presentations, English Language Program’s student lounge and computer room, University e-mail address and student identification card, University of Toronto’s Health Service, and so on.
Enjoy a picnic in one of Toronto's beautiful parks. Toronto offers activities for every season and every skill level from skiing in the winter to beach volleyball in the summer. The ELP offers a wide range of clubs, activities, trips and volunteer opportunities to create memories that will last a lifetime.
I was in Toronto University for 4 weeks PLUS program. I was going to stay in Korea and just attend an English institution, but my parents recommended a short-term English program in Toronto. 4 weeks English program PLUS is for speaking improvement. It is suitable for almost anyone who has a sufficient English skill. It is more for daily life use English. It consists of travelling around Canada and speaking program to boost up speaking. I wasn't very sure about my English speaking level, so I enrolled in a normal class, but anyone who is better in speaking can choose the level he or she is willing to take. The course was not very difficult and I had fun for a month! It was really valuable for me too, and I took a homestay program also. So I was able to experience what the Canadian family was like. SHS institution helped me to find a suitable family for me, so that was securing. I want to recommend home-stay for those who are willing to go for a short-term language course.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 저는 토론토 대학교에서 4주영어 PLUS프로그램을 듣고 온 학생이에요. 방학을 이용해서 처음에는 한국에있는 영어학원 다니려고했는데, 부모님께서 단기어학연수를 다녀오라고 하셔서 토론토대학에서 4주간 공부하고오게되었어요. 4주영어프로그램(English PLUS)는 일반회화실력을 위한 클래스에요. 한국에서 어느정도의 영어실력을 갖고 있으면 수강가능하고, 일상생활에 필요한 회화영어를 배우면서 캐나다 관광이나 클래스 친구들과 교류회같은 것을 통해서 한달동안 영어실력을 상승시켜주는 프로그램이에요. 저는 영어에 그다지 자신이있는 편이 아니라서 일반 클래스를 들었는데 영어 수준이 높은 친구들은 본인들의 실력에 맞는 과정을 선택해서 수강하는 형태로 되어있어요. 일상생활에서 정말 필요한 생활영어를 배우기 때문에 너무 어렵지도않고 지루하지도 않아서 재미있게 공부할 수 있었어요. 한달이 짧으면 짧고, 길면 긴 시간이지만 저는 한달을 굉장히 알차게 보낸 편이에요. 기숙사는 레지던스종류만해도 4개정도 있고, 홈스테이도 할수있는데 저는 한달동안 캐나다인들의 실생활을 체험해보고 싶어서 홈스테이를 선택했어요. SHS라는 단체에서 가족을 정하는 과정을 도와주기 때문에 안심할 수 있었어요. 단기어학연수를 가시는분들에게는 홈스테이를 추천해드리고싶어요.
그간 시차랑 생활에 적응하느라 연락을 못드렸습니다. 홈스테이는 좋은 호스트들을 만나 잘 지내고 있습니다. 오늘 1달 연장하기로 결정하여 홈스테이 회사에 다음달 비용 지불까지도 마쳤습니다. 지난 월요일에 배치고사가 있었고, 다행히 원하던 50레벨에 들어갈 수 있게 되었습니다. 대학원 입학에도 별 걱정이 없어보였고요.
입학담당자를 만나 제 상황을 다 설명하고, 어찌하였으면 좋겠냐고 했더니, 이런 답변을 받았습니다.
“제일 이상적인 상황은, 네가 60레벨에 들어가고, 60레벨이 끝날 때 접수하는 것이지만, 일단 그건 놓쳤다. 그래도 네가 50레벨에 들어갔으니 일단 1차 마감일인 12월 18일까지 접수는 해 보아라. 그리고 접수할 때 ‘나는 지금 50레벨을 듣고 있고, 잘 마칠 것이며, 이어서 60레벨까지도 들을 것이다. 이미 등록을 마쳤다. 그러니 나에게 조건부 입학을 허락해 달라.’라고 입학위원회에 네 사정을 어필해 보아라. 그러면 위원회에서 조건부 입학을 줄 수 도 있다.”
원래 영어 기준점이 TOEFL 100이었는데, 이번에 93으로 내려갔다고 합니다. 그러니 제 상황도 충분히 어필 가능한 것 같습니다.
많은 도움 주셔서 여기까지 올 수 있었습니다. 그리고 아마 앞으로는 더욱 큰(?) 도움이 필요할 것 같습니다.
처음에 왔을땐 친구도 없고 홈스테이조차 친밀감 형성하기가 어려워서 1주차는 고생을 많이 했습니다. 하지만 그 이후 같은 반 학생들하고 거리낌없이 친해졌고 주말에도 같이 놀러 갈 정도로 친해졌습니다. 홈스테이도 1개월만 끊으려고 하다가 3개월까지 끊은 상태로 왔는데 정말 후회 없었습니다. 정말 친절하신 분들이었고 홈스테이내 같이 사는 학생들하고도 많이 친해져서 지금조차 연락을 서로 많이하며 선물도 많이 주고 받았습니다. 아카데미 프로그램 과정이다보니 스피킹 리스닝 라이팅 어법 등 여러가지 스킬을 배워서 3개월전에 비해 영어 자신감도 많이 상승했습니다. 단점이 있다면 매달 학교 엑티비티 프로그램이 거의 똑같다는 점입니다. 제가 생각하기에 토론토대학교 코스는 외국친구들 사귀며 영어실력 늘리기에 최상의 코스라고 생각합니다. 매사 적극적이고 외향적인 사람들에게 추천합니다.
OECKO is established in 1981. It is On and Offline study abroad counseling center. We have more than 20,000 students who went abroad to study through OECKO, and these students are working in variety of fields. We made partnerships with all excellent universities in order to raise global students. Students can self apply to schools in USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Spain, France and etc by him or herself without any cost. However, high schools’, or universities’ required essay or personal statements help from us is charged. Language study entrance admissions can be obtained in 3~14 days.
Copyright ⓒ1981 - 2021 SELF-APPLY. All Rights Reserved.
Overseas Education & Culture Center of Korea (OECKO)
104-A, Gunjagwan, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006,South Korea
Phone: +82-2-512-2022, +82-10-2018-3228